West Calgary Ring Road Achieves Milestone

November 18, 2021

Calgary Safelink Partners, a joint-venture made up of Graham, Vinci and Carmacks, recently celebrated a milestone on the South portion of the West Calgary Ring Road (WCRR) project – the first bridge deck, located at Old Banff Coach Road SW, has been poured.

The bridge deck spans more than 100 metres (382 ft.), which is too long to be completed in a single concrete pour. When concrete is poured in stages, the first pour begins to cure before the second pour, which creates a cold joint where the two concrete pours meet. For multi-stage deck pours, a bulkhead is used to partition the deck and create a clean cold joint.

Calgary Safelink Partners is delivering the South portion of the WCRR, which comprises five kilometers of six- and eight-lane divided freeway, four interchanges and seven bridges, and will connect Old Banff Coach Road SW to the Southwest Calgary Ring Road at Highway 8.

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